Welcome Home

Price: NFS

Material: marble and onyx

Size: 3″ x 16″

Originally called the bacon mosaic by my family, this long narrow mosaic hangs in the entry of our friend’s home. It’s warm colors truly welcomes everyone who walks in the door.

The materials for this mosaic are hand-cut pink marble cubes and randomly broken chunks of red and green onyx. To break up the onyx I placed a large piece inside several paper grocery bags and tossed it out the second-story window down onto the concrete driveway. The resulting shattered pieces provided me with interesting elements to work around with the more precisely cut stone.

selling stuff

I make things because my demons won't give me any peace until  I make something for us – mosaics, sculpture, drawings, books, stickers, furniture, tools...

I sell some of what I make, sometimes... when I can let go of it.

Often the work I sell is work created especially for a person. Commissions, pieces created as a collaboration between us, something that takes shape in our minds during a number of conversations, eventually making its way out into the physical world. Other times people just see something I've made and want to have it.

Books and stickers I just make, in large numbers. People buy them if they like them.